Sunday, October 7, 2012

Food Tips - Art and Science

Welcome foodies...

Food should be beautiful as well as perfectly cooked and seasoned.  That is always my goal as we eat with our eyes, nose and palate.   The above photo is an example.  Looking through cooking magazines and cookbooks - makes me salivate and I realized how important it is to make sure the food we present to the table looks as good as it tastes.  Think of your plate as a piece of art ;-)

My rules for preparing any meal, side, appetizer or desert:  

1. Taste, Taste, Taste everything as you prepare a dish
2. Read, Read, Read the entire recipe first and visualize each step
3. Check to see that you do have all the ingredients in house and shop for the rest
4. Check the expiration dates on items that can spoil
5. Do the prep before you cook.  Chop, dice, measure and have everything set out ahead of time and within easy reach
6. Make sure you understand the timing for all phases of the dish (which refers to rule #2)
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